Thursday, November 6, 2014

So, what's the deal with Health Coaching?

What comes to mind when you hear the term "Health Coach"? 
Jillian Michaels bringing contestants to tears on The Biggest Loser? Someone who believes the only way to optimum health is to avoid eating anything that casts' a shadow? Maybe you think of someone trying to peddle you expensive supplements or crazy intense workout DVD's.

Well, that's not what I am about. 
I think there is an extremist mentality surrounding the health and fitness world. To be healthy,  people think they need to invest in a $500 juicer, or avoid basically every major food group. 
We are constantly bombarded with supplements, concentrated forms of exotic plants and "superfoods" and offered various ways to exercise to ensure "the fastest results". 
However, if you have tried any of these things you are probably well aware that they do not work. Or maybe they worked for the first few weeks then left you feeling drained and frustrated. 

A Health Coach is there to help you find a Middle Ground
The body is a very complex mechanism, and every body functions differently. Some body's thrive on a Vegan diet, others on a Paleo style diet. Some people can gain the results they want just by doing yoga a few days a week, and other's feel like they spend way too much time at the gym without any results at all. 
A Health Coach is there to talk you through finding what works best for you. They are there to listen to your concerns and to help you reach your goals. A Health Coach also looks at the big picture of your well being. This includes things like improving relationships, finding work you love and getting your kids on board with your decision to develop healthier habits. 
My personal mission as a Health Coach is to bring a balanced attitude towards wellness. I want to help improve your relationship with food and with yourself. My mission is to go beyond the plate, so that you can be the best you possible. Changing your lifestyle doesn't have to be difficult, and it certainly doesn't happen all at one time. I would work with you during bi-weekly sessions to make small, sustainable changes over the course of 6 months. 

How do I hire a Health Coach? 
If you have decided that you are ready to work towards improving your health, and that you want to hire a Health Coach, you can start by sending me an email at to set up an Initial Consultation. This consultation is completely free. It gives me a chance to ask you some questions and to get to know you a little better. This can be done in person or over the phone and Skype. I will also explain exactly what comes with the 6-Month Program. Some examples include:
  • Effective Meal Planning/Grocery Shopping
  • Detailed Progress Tracking
  • Full-time Accountability 
  • A Completely Customized plan designed to set and reach your personal goals 

Side note: Do something for yourself!
If you have a family, it's easy to place yourself at the bottom of the priority list. As a busy mother/father/professional/student/etc, it is extremely beneficial to have time set aside to take care of yourself. A Health Coach will work with you to make that time count,  so that you can take better care of yourself and in turn have more to offer those who matter most to you. 

In Conclusion 
A Health Coach is there to motivate, listen to and support you. They act as a guide through all the conflicting information to help you understand what works for you. You can also check out my FAQ Page for additional information, or the About Me page to read my personal story. 
If you have any additional questions that have not been answered, feel free to contact me by email or comment below. 

One Last Thing...

Be sure to check out my FaceBook Page for more tips on Healthier Living. :)
Kindest regards,

Stop self-diagnosing and hire a Health Coach! :D 

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