Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Cut the Crap: All in one skin and haircare.

Happy Wednesday everybody! I'm sure you have dealt with crap all week, and are readily awaiting the weekend. This post is going to address cutting the crap from your personal care regime. I mean, you deal with all kinds of crap, right? So why should you have to deal with it in your hair and skin products? Give yourself a break and try some of these ideas!

Let's talk about Avocado Oil. 
I have recently fallen in love with this product. I use it for everything. Make up remover, shampoo, moisturizer, lotion and salad dressing. The last suggestion is less true then the others though, since I have this strange and intense opposition to salad. But that's a different topic. 
I picked up a jar/bottle/not-sure-of-the-exact-container-name of this stuff at the local supermarket about two weeks ago.
I just slather it on my face and hair before getting in the shower. That's it. That's all you have to do. But a little disclaimer: a little goes a long way! My skin has been so much softer and clearer since I started using Avocado oil. My hair usually gets super dry in the winter, but it is strong and bouncy now. If you still aren't convinced,  Here you can find 43 Amazing Benefits of Avocado Oil .

Why you should Cut the Crap in your beauty products
I'm sure you are aware that there are nasty chemicals lurking in the colorful bottles and tubes cluttering nicely arranged on your bathroom counter. But really, who wants to pay $10.99 for paraben free shampoo, $40 for vegan moisturizer, then another $20 for organic conditioner? That's a lot of money. Not to mention the fact that finding a product that actually works takes more money and more time....and requires more space in your shower that could cause a domino effect of half-empty yet impossibly heavy bottles leading to the inevitable crushing of your precious pinky toe. You can kill two birds with one stone by doing something for your long-term health and for your wallet by simplifying your routine. 

In conclusion
You can try ditching those hazardous chemicals and pick up a single bottle of Avocado oil to fulfill all your skin and hair needs. Just one bottle. One. No pinky-toe crushing or master balancing skills required. 

For an extra special treat, try making this Avocado Sugar Scrub to keep chapped lips away, brighten your skin, and add a goddess like silkiness to your legs: 

Have you used avocado oil as a beauty product? How did it work? Please let me know, I would love to hear from you!
I hope you have a crap-free day!

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