1. So, what is a Health Coach?
A Health Coach is a Certified individual who is very passionate about battling the world health crisis by taking on individual clients and working with them on their individual goals for well being.

2. Why do I need a Health Coach?
The world of health and fitness is filled with conflicting information and often dangerous advice. I believe that every person has their own bio-individuality. This means that what works for your friend, sister in law or co-worker may not work for you. 
Health Coaches are there to help you navigate these waters and to zero in on what makes YOU feel YOUR best, regardless of what you may have read on Yahoo! this morning. 
With detailed progress tracking, your Health Coach can help you identify signs and symptoms you might other wise over look. They also provide accountability to help push you towards your goals.
Health Coaches are trained to help you deconstruct cravings and to help improve your relationship with food, along with helping you to balance out other areas of your life.

3. How do I sign up for an Initial Consultation? 
Start by shooting me an email to set up a time to call or Skype. If you are in the area we will meet in person.

4. What is an Initial Consultation? 
During the Initial Consultation, I will ask you a few question about your previous Health History. We will talk about things like your weight, the health of your mother and father, and specific concerns or goals you have regarding your health. This will help me get to know you better, as well as get an idea of where you want to be if you sign up for one of my programs. 

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