Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Spotlight On: Butternut Squash

Squash. It's sweet, it's flesh is loaded with fiber, folate, potassium, B6 vitamins and Vitamin C along with many other fabulous health benefits. But how do you get to the flesh part? I mean, C'mon. How the heck are you suppose to cook this thing? Do you cut it? Peel it? Throw it at the floor in a fit of frustration? 
To save you and possibly any small pets from certain disaster, below is a video that will help you successfully cut and prepare a squash. 

So you now have a lovely squash all cut up and ready to cook. But what should you make? 
Well, you have a few options depending on how much time you have or other ingredients on hand. 

As you can see, there are many ways to incorporate more squash into your daily diet. Be creative, and don't be afraid to try new things!

**Side note: One day I ate an entire squash, and the next day I had super hero vision. It was like living inside an HD TV....no blackhead or smudge on the wall could hide.
Happy cooking!


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