Friday, November 28, 2014

5 Steps to a Successful Salad Part 5: Make your Dressing

Avocado Chipotle Ranch Dressing 
Alright, I am ready to finally finish up this series!
I am about to give you a lot of information. However, there is really one main point that I want to to retain:
When something is taken out of a product, another thing has to be added back in. In this case, when they take fat out of salad dressing, they replace it with sugar. Trust me, you are much better off eating the fat.

Really, though, you are better off just making your own dressing. It only takes 5 minutes, and the freshness, quality and taste just can't be beat. You can of course make a bigger batch to keep in the fridge for a few days.

If you have some store bought salad dressing chilling in your fridge, go check out the ingredient list. Ranch is especially guilty of weird and chemical laden ingredients. I highly suggest by passing it altogether, and either 1) letting your taste buds adjust to a vinaigrette, or 2) Use REAL ingredients to make your own.
I have had success with making an Avocado Chipotle Ranch dressing that is perfect for when I want that creamy consistency.

What a dressing is, and isn't. 
You may have formed a bad habit over the years, of smothering your salad in dressing. This is not what it is for. In Ayurveda, (and western science) it has been shown that fat can help your body absorbs the vitamins in vegetables better. Another reason fat-free loses. Also, monounsaturated fat, like the kind found in olive oil and avocados, has been linked with reduction in breast cancer risk, lowered cholesterol, and get this--reduction in belly fat!

Pomegranate Infused Vinaigrette
So really, a salad dressing made from the right ingredients is a nutritional powerhouse. 
Also, a salad dressing is there to enhance the flavor of the vegetables. Not to completely drench, soak, or mask them. If you are having a hard time adjusting to eating more vegetables, go for the sweeter ones and work your way up to the more bitter, leafy greens. Butternut squash is a great place to star, and spinach is much milder in comparison to dandelion greens or swiss chard. It may take a while, but eventually, you will start to enjoy eating your vegetables!

Fool Proof Vinaigrette:
Step 1: This is so easy. Like, really, really, really easy. You just have to remember one ratio. And it's 1:1. Equal parts oil, to equal parts vinegar.
I prefer balsamic vinegar, but I am really in love with this pomegranate infused stuff I bought a while back. You really have a lot of options here.
Step 2:After you have selected your vinegar, you can choose your oil. I love high quality olive oil, but walnut, almond, and avocado all work nicely as well. You could use coconut oil, but I find that it hardens too quickly and gives a weird consistency.
Step 3: Pick either lemon or lime. I use the juice from 1/2 of a lemon, or one whole lime. This step is optional, but it adds a wonderful freshness, and almost sweetness to the dressing.
Step 4: Add the seasonings. I use lots of black pepper, ginger, cumin, and garlic powder. There is no need for salt here. Instead, try any of these 10 spices and seasonings to add a little zest to your dressing.
Step 5: Mix it all together. Generally, I use 1 Tablespoon of oil and 1 tablespoon of vinegar, plus lemon or lime. This is more than enough for a rather generously sized salad.

Avocado Chipotle Ranch Dressing: Serves 4
1 large Haas Avocado
1 Table Spoon Avocado Oil
Coconut milk (the canned kind)
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp dried parsley
1 tsp dried dill
1/4 tsp black pepper
Chipotle hot sauce to taste

Add all ingredients, except coconut milk, to a food processor.
Start with 1/3 cup of coconut milk, blend ingredients, then stop and scrape the sides down.
Keep adding coconut milk (1-2 tablespoons at a time) until you reach desired consistency.

Ok, so there we have it! The 5 Steps to a Successful Salad! If you missed an of the steps, you can go back and find them here: 1, 2, 3, 4

If you try any of these recipes, be sure to let me know! Also, don't forget to follow me on instagram for more delicious and easy recipes! :)  

Happy Monday!

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