Thursday, November 27, 2014

5 Steps to a Successful Salad Part 4: Choose the Toppings

I am a little behind schedule because of the holiday, but I am ready to finish up this series! I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving, ate lots of good food, and connected with lots of family.

Shameless Plug....
Also, if you haven't yet, go check out my Special Promotions page to get 50% off of my Meal Planning Package! Once you claim your spot, email the promo code to me at to get a head start on healthy eating for 2015!

Back to Business
Alright, so now we have covered how to choose the base, co-stars, and protein for your salad. Now it's time for the fun part: choosing your toppings!
You really don't want to get too crazy with the toppings, so just pick one or two. They are there to enhance the flavor and texture of your salad...not to completely dominate it. I don't have a handy dandy chart for this post, but I have compiled a nice little list of my favorite salad toppings. Again, pick one or two to sprinkle on your salad, then stay tuned to learn how to make the most fantastic salad dressing of your life.

Pomegranate seeds
Slivered Almonds
Feta Cheese
Pumpkin seeds
Chia Seeds
Diced Apple
Dried Cranberries
Dried Cherries
Sunflower seeds
Sliced Strawberries
Cooked rice, quinoa or other whole grain
1/2 Cup of cooked 100% Whole Wheat Pasta
Nut Thin Crackers
Sesame Seeds
Bean Sprouts
Home made or quality (no high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated, palm kernel, canola, corn or soybean oil) Croutons
Sliced Orange

What are your favorite healthy salad toppings? Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments below!
Warm Wishes,

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