Tuesday, November 25, 2014

5 Steps to a Successful Salad Part 2: Choose the Co-Stars

Roasted Butternut Squash and Cauliflower 
Casting your Co-Stars 
The 2nd key to a successful salad, is to avoid sensory overload. Don't get me wrong, I love pretty much all vegetables, but things can taste icky if you have too many flavors going on in the same dish. So my rule of thumb is to pick 2-3 Co-Stars. After all, you don't want to upstage the main attraction! (the main attraction is the base, btw ;) )
Also keep in mind that you still have protein, toppings and dressing to add. Picking two or three co-stars with a milder taste can help avoid Conflict-of-Interest within your Cast.
These combinations have been carefully selected, and also have multi-functions (example: stir fry, side dish, soup...I pretty much just gave you a free meal plan)! You can get the free pdf download to print here.

My favorite Co-Stars
Roasted vegetables can add a comforting and warming touch to a raw bed of greens. You can also season them to up the ante on the flavor game. Lightly Sautéing vegetables in a teaspoon or two of oil helps enhance their natural sweetness, and makes them easier to chew. Below are some of my favorite combinations and cooking methods.

Butternut Squash + Cauliflower = Roasted (goes great with just about anything)
Bell Peppers + Onions + Mushrooms = Sauteed or roasted (great for a Mexican style salad)
Butternut Squash + Cauliflower + Beets = Roasted
Carrots + Parsnips + Beets= Roasted
Carrots + Cauliflower =Roasted
Zucchini + Carrots= peeled into noodles
Celery + Carrots= Raw (this combo goes surprisingly well with almost everything!)
Cucumber + Tomato= Raw (add basil and mozzarella or fetta  cheese for an Italian style salad)
Radicchio + Green Onions=Raw

Last words on your casting call...
Remember when choosing your co-stars, that you still have lots of other things to add to your salad. So try to keep it simple. You can roast vegetables in advance and keep them in the fridge for a few days if you have a busy schedule. Also, if you missed Step 1 then you can go learn all about picking the Base for your salad here.

What is your favorite combination of vegetables for a salad? 

I hope everyone is having a great time preparing for the upcoming holiday! 
Warm wishes,

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