Saturday, November 22, 2014

Weekend Wellness: Warm up with Hot Chocolate!

Personal Story
Hey everyone!
If you have been keeping up with my posts, you may have noticed that the content has gotten a little...dry. Informative still, but not funny or particularly enjoyable.
This is because winter has finally set in. It is really hard for me to be anything other than absolutely miserable during these 3 5 months of the year.

In 2012, I went through the most traumatic period of my life thus far. I had a huge fall out with my best friend and roommate, I was in the midst of battling an eating disorder, and I was surrounding myself with toxic relationships.
I felt completely hopeless. And cold. I couldn't afford heat on my minimum wage, part-time job, and my apartment was on the second story of a 100 year old house.

Between my rapidly decreasing body weight, rapidly increasing loneliness and desperation, I felt like every ounce of life had been sucked out of me.
Those feelings and fears still come in waves that are very real.

But 2014 has been my year. It has been a year of hope and healing. I have worked hard to repair broken relationships and to take control of my life.

It's not easy for me to be transparent about the last few years. It was a very difficult and painful time, and honestly, I wasn't sure if I would make it to where I am today. But do you know what? I did make it, and now I am better than ever. I have so many things to be thankful for this year, and so I am going to try my very best not to get bogged down by memories or feelings of the past.

So, on a lighter note....chocolate!
Did you know that chocolate is basically a vitamin? That's what I tell myself, at least. Usually when I am enjoying it with wine. Which is also basically a vitamin.
Ok, so vitamin might be a stretch, but chocolate does boast an impressive amount of free-radical fighting antioxidants, along with fiber and protein.
Now, I'm not talking about crap chocolate. You know, the kind that starts with an H and ends with an ershy's. I'm talking about real, rich, grown-ups only, dark chocolate. You can find my favorite brand here.  **Side note: No joke, that link takes you to a vitamin website.**
My favorite is the 85% cocoa, but 70% will do in a pinch.
I personally don't mind devouring  daintily savoring it plain, but if that's not your thing, then have no fear: Hot Chocolate Season is here!
Because who doesn't love hot chocolate?

Hot Chocolate for Days

 Here are some of my favorite variations on this classic winter beverage! 

Spicy Hot Chocolate from the New York Times

Salted Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate from One Ordinary Day

And for the weirdos out there with an aversion to chocolate, you can try this Pumpkin Spice White Hot Chocolate from Tater-tots and Jello. 

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, and thanks for reading!
How do you beat the winter blues? 

Warm wishes,

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