Thursday, December 4, 2014

The "New Diet" that isn't actually new, plus National Cookie Day!

Did anyone hear about the "new" diet that came out yesterday? I heard radio DJ's talking about it, and it sounded familiar...oh yeah, that's because it's really called "Intermittent fasting". Gosh, people will do anything to sell you a diet where you can "eat anything you want", as long as you follow a list of odd rituals and restricting rules.

 Well people, don't buy it. You will make yourself crazy trying to keep up with such a strict regime. Sure, I love intermittent fasting (otherwise known as skipping breakfast) because I don't wake up early enough to actually eat breakfast, but its certainly not for everyone. Also, I'm sorry, but to save you the trouble--you can't eat whatever you want, as long as it's within a certain time frame, and still see certain kinds of results.

You can, however, maintain a healthy diet about 80% of the time and splurge on occasion. I actually eat half of a dark chocolate (85% cocoa) bar almost every day. So 80% healthy isn't really all that restrictive. It's what I like to call sensible. You know, like, it makes sense.

I could go on for hours (or at least 1000 words) about the cons of "dieting". But I am going to stick with one point: Could you realistically stick to this diet every day, for the rest of your life?
Here's the thing....if you go on a crazy diet, and let's say you got the results you have always wanted, those results take maintenance. The way that you get those results, is the way you will have to maintain them.

So if you jump on the Cabbage Soup diet bandwagon, work out twice a day everyday, are you ready to do that every day for forever? Probably not. And that, folks, is the issue with dieting. Eventually, you will get sick of cabbage soup, you will burn out from over exercising, and then the results will disappear. However, if you take a moderate approach, and go for the long-haul, it will take a little longer, but you will be able to maintain the results easier. Makes sense? Yeah, it does, because's sensible.

So anyway....Cookies! I feel like America really loves holidays. I mean, we seriously have a holiday for everything. National doughnut day, national pizza day, national cookie day...I think we also really love our crap junk food. So below I have rounded up 5 of my favorite  (relatively) healthy cookie recipes. Remember: A cookie is a cookie is a cookie. Vegan, paleo, should still use moderation (not depravation) when consuming baked goods.
I personally have a little bit of an issue when it comes to moderation, so I if I bake cookies I will usually eat one or two along with a piece of fruit and some coffee.

The Healthiest Cookie Ever by the Detoxinista (Paleo, vegan) 

Paleo Thin Mints by Elana's Pantry 

Grain-Free Sugar Cookies by Against All Grain 

I hope everyone has a wonderful National Cookie Day, and if you haven't yet, follow me on Instagram @beyondtheplatehc :)
Happy baking!

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